Master of Energy Fortune Telling


Sydney / Hong Kong   悉尼 / 香港

Larry Yeung 楊家驊  2015.April in Peak,Hong Kong.  photographer 劉慈章

    Larry Yeung's NEWS  I  楊家驊最新消息

 News 新聞 2016.1.13

 Larry Yeung finally made public his stories, memories of his life and his unique ability recorded in the book, " What my supernatural power tells me" .


News 新聞 2016.7.11

 In early June 2016, Mr. Larry Yeung interviewed by the Hong Kong Internet TV MIHK program "Josephine Chai ChiYan's Tarot" . you can go to website or YOUTUBE 's MIHK channel to watch the program. (Cantonese content, playing three sessions)

2016年6月初,楊家驊先生受香港網絡電台MIHK TV 節目《釨湮塔羅解》訪問,大家可以在YOUTUBE或 香港製造生活台《釨湮塔羅解》重溫訪問內容。(粵語訪問,分三段播放)



2) 〈釨湮塔羅解〉第二集:



 News 新聞 2016.7.31

Larry Yeung attended the Hong Kong Book Fair 2016 Events

Larry Yeung attends the Hong Kong Book Fair 2016 event , held in Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Wan Chai, on 23 and 24 July 2016 . Larry have a sharing session introducing his book " What my supernatural power tells me"on 23 July, and an autographs session held on the 24 July, He was so glad to meet many new friends. He described " I am so happy like getting marry."





 News 新聞 2017.8

Master LARRY predicted the 2017 earthquake in Sichuan really fulfilled

Master LARRY in the book " What my supernatural power tells me" on page 267, mentioned in 2017 there will be more natural disasters, China's Sichuan area will have a earthquake . In fact, just past August 8 2017, Sichuan famous tourist spot Jiuzhaigou, had a magnitude 7 earthquake, causing 24 people died, nearly 500 people were injured, the area was seriously damaged. LARRY master predicted in 2017 Sichuan earthquake, really fulfilled.

More important, the same page in the book, Master LARRY predicted that the Japanese 311 tsunami (March 11, 2011) about six to seven years later (that is, 2017 April to May or so) , Japan, North Korea or China will suffer another major earthquake or tsunami, the power may be greater than 311 tsunami (magnitude 9 earthquake), the epicenter may be in one of the following two: First, the southeast of the Korean peninsula, And the south of Kyushu, north of Taiwan, east of Shandong; China's North China Bohai Bay area.
As a result of the period from April to May in 2017, there was no earthquake that predicted the occurrence of a major earthquake, so it was a great chance that the catastrophe would occur from April to May in 2018. According to Master LARRY's description, making a 2018 earthquake may occur in the quake map (red in the figure X) for your reference, hope to help people have escaped the disaster.  

Afterwards, it was discovered that the prediction of the tsunami and great earthquake did not become true. It is a good for the whole world, and Master Larry does not mind his predicting is not inaccuracy. 



更重要,書中同一頁(圖中紅色線劃出部份),LARRY大師預言,日本311海嘯(2011年3月11日)約六至七年之後,(即2017年4至5月左右),日本、朝鮮或中國會再遭受另一次大地震或海嘯,威力可能大過311海嘯(當時是九級地震),震央可能在以下兩處的其中一處: 一、朝鮮半島東南邊、日本四國及九州以南、台灣以北、山東以東;中國華北渤海灣一帶。




 News 新聞 2019.8

Master LARRY and his fans gatherings 2019

Time : 2019.8.10 4 pm to 7 pm
Venue: the Easton Hotel, Jordan, Hong Kong
Character: Master LARRY YEUNG and nearly 30 fans

Master Larry Yeung, who has been away from Hong Kong for almost three years, return to Hong Kong helping person. After accepting the interview of the Internet radio platform D100, he arrange a meeting with a group of readers, friends and fans. During the visit, Master Larry recalls what he saw and heard in his special life experience. Explore how to improve people's morality and spirituality, how to change the fate of life, how to distinguish ghosts and gods, and share his experiences of seeing UFOs at close range, as well as his ability to receive message , comprehend the mysteries of the universe, and so on.
Many of the people who attended this time came from different backgrounds. They had Buddhist monks and meditations, and there were Taoist masters and new Age's people. Master Larry Yeung answered the questions on the spot, and many of them were problems that have plagued them for many years. Master Larry Yeung also used his special energy fortune telling power to help his fans, pointing out the right direction for them.
Master Larry Yeung also demonstrated his natural energy-healing skills. The people in the gatherings, who was energy-sensitive will felt the heat penetrated the body. Many participants said that their shoulder pain, sciatica and women's pain were soothing, and the women's eyes were energized. Brighter. A woman with energy blessing even described this energy as the source of the universe. Everyone was very happy in this event, and many of them hope us to hold other gatherings in the future.


時間 : 2019.8.10 下午4時至7時



是次出席的眾多有緣人,來自不同背景,有佛道禪修的居士,有道家法科師傅,有New Age新紀元人士。楊大師即席回答在場各人提問,有不少是困擾他們多年的問題。楊大師亦用能量相命,為眾多有緣人指點迷津。



 News 新聞 2016.2.20

  Edmond Poon, host of Hong Kong best-known supernatural internet radio show "terror-online" (Cantonese) invited Larry Yeung attending the live show at 2016.2.19 . On the live show, larry told that In 1970, he study aboard in the United States, after a gas poisoning incident then he got a supernatural fortune telling power. During the show, larry also mentioned some evens he encountered with some ghost. This is Larry Yeung first public media interviews.

"Terror online" is a fee-based program, for more details, please go to Part of the contents can be seen on, link as follows:




 News 新聞 2019.8.1

Master LARRY meets with psychic girl CRYSTAL

Location / Pacific Coffee / Central Baohu Restaurant near Hong Kong Central
Time / 2019.7.25 5 pm - 8:30 pm
Characters: Master LARRY YEUNG, Crystal (Psychic Girl), MANSON (Crystal Boyfriend), RAY (Psychic Analyst), Alfred (Master LARRY's Assistant)
Recently, Master LARRY saw a video from youtube that a girl name Crystal in Hong Kong who has seen spiritual abilities. Master LARRY feels that she is very close to him, so He took a trip back to Hong Kong and arranged for appointment to Crystal. LARRY appreciates Crystal and feels that Crystal is like him! LARRY known that Crystal is telling the truth.
Crystal can only see the range of 6 inches due to visual impairment. However, her visual ability of see the spirit is very high. Her boyfriend, MANSON, describes that she see the spirit is as clear as watching HDTV.
In our conversations, Crystal spoke a lot about her own spiritual experience, and LARRY also talked about his experience in dealing with spiritual.
Crystal has many features that are very similar to Master LARRY. For example, Crystal have a lot of intuition, she can say it is simple and concise.
We talked to each other very much, there was so much exchange, and the harvest was rich and eye-opening. Master LARRY prove that Crystal's ability is real.


地點 / 香港中環中心的Pacific Coffee / 附近寶湖酒樓
時間 / 2019.7.25 下午5時-晚上8時半
人物 :異能大師 LARRY YEUNG、Crystal(通靈少女)、MANSON(Crystal男友)、RAY(靈異分析師)、Alfred(楊大師助手)


 News 新聞 2020.2.21

Master Larry Yeung's prediction on the development of Wuhan Coronavirus epidemic (Chinese content only)

楊家驊Larry Yeung就武漢肺炎疫情發展之預言

疫情續惡化 中港地運轉差 

 應眾弟子和有緣人要求,先談談最熱門話題,我如何看武漢肺炎(新型冠狀肺炎/ Coronavirus disease /COVID-19)疫情發展。我今年一月十六日入住悉尼Concord醫院的Emergency Ward,因為我血少板跌至只有13(140度是最低標準,即比最低標準還要低好多),立刻輸血清和食用高濃度類固醇藥,頭兩晚神遊武漢,當地哀鴻遍野慘況出現我眼前。一月十八日晚上,我在Whatsapp我的粉絲社群中,講述我所見的異像,竟然沒有人向我追問。一月二十二日晚上,我想起一位組員是來自北京旅居加拿大的科學家,我通知她北京疫情將會很嚴重。數小時後她回覆我,說她家人形容在北京生活如常和很平靜,只是說武漢有些少疫情。兩星期後她在群組發貼,多謝我提點,現在回頭看異象預示準確得驚人。二月初我曾發貼,北京和上海將會實施類似封城的措施。兩星期後,群組各人才恍然大悟,稱讚我預測準確,更慨嘆疫情發展那麼快那麼嚴重。

 記得2019年初,我在臉書和有緣人談話中,曾提及數年前我感覺香港2020年地運不穩。所以我計劃年中回港一行· 看看凶兆是否仍在。早在2009年當我被診斷患有慢性淋巴癌時,心情不太多,所以隨後兩年數次回港省親,由於闊別香港已有十多年。每次回港,都感應十年後的香港和那時所見的繁榮景像完全相反。市民很傍惶,街頭晚上行人少,沒有夜生活娛樂,見到很多吉鋪。我將這些怪現象告訴朋友,他門問我是否大亞灣核子廠洩漏輻射,我説沒有收到這種警號。最後他們幽默地提醒我不要唱衰香港,所以我的書明言,我只和有緣人談及我的預言。







 News 新聞 2017.11.1

Master LARRY YEUNG sharing his own anti-cancer experience

From time to time the media alway report celebrity suffering from cancer, but more ordinary people died of cancer everyday has never been reported. Cancer is often considered a terminal illness, Cancer is terrible for everyone. In the era of information explosion, a lot of information on the treatment of cancer often spread in the internet, such as natural therapy (alway criticize chemotherapy), some secret recipe for traditional Chinese medicine, and even participate in religious activities for healing the cancer. Master Larry Yeung alway see those messages on facebook, he believes that many cancer patients, in the course of treatment easy to get lost, the loss of complete recovery of the faith, so he want to share his own anti-cancer experience hope that its can help other cancer patients.
Anyone who want to read the detail. Please click this link below. (Chinese Content)



想詳細了解楊大師的抗癌心得,請點擊以下連結 / 或點擊圖片


 News 新聞 2020.10.18

Prophecy by Master Larry Yeung in the 2020 US elections

*****The spiritual fighting between the Good and the Evil determined the results of US Presidential and Congressional elections*****
****Electoral votes : Trump — 326 Biden — 212 ****
***Republican Party gains the majority seats in both Houses of Congress***

The above is the latest prediction by Master Larry Yeung regarding the 2020 US elections. Master Larry Yeung is a Hongkong Australian who possesses special talents for years. His special talents are not only in predicting the near future events but also have the ability to map up an individual destiny. Energy from his body heat will be in the form of a healing process for sick patients.

"As early as in July, my followers requested me to predict the outcome of the US presidential election. What I saw or felt in the picture of the future US president was very foggy and weird. Through the dim light, I figured President Trump was in and out of my sights. The Good and Evil were fighting feverishly in the spiritual battleground. Apparently, the former was losing ground."

"It is well known that Trump supporters come from the middle class. While the Biden supporters are from the Wall Street institutional investors, high tech and media tycoons and their executives, the employees of the film and music industries, as well as the academic personnel. "

"Several weeks ago, I was again asked by the followers about any latest update who was the US future president. My answer was I did not see the Democrat candidate would win. One of the followers immediately placed a bet of $150 in one of the Australian bookmakers. If Trump won, he could get back $450. "

"On October 3, I forwarded my message to my followers WhatsApp group saying that President Trump would win as well as the Republican Party had a great victory by having a majority in both Houses of Congress."

"It is true that the top-rated spiritual masters are behind Trump and blessing him to lead another four years."

**楊家驊預言:326/212 特朗普連任 共和黨控制兩院**


以下是楊家驊Larry Yeung最新發表有關美國總統大選的預言,供各有緣人參考,澳洲華僑楊家驊是一位異能人士,他的個人資料背景,請參考本網站 或 楊家驊Larry Yeung facebook專頁。


「美國華爾街不少投資大戶、媒體老闆、科技企業大亨、影視界藝人及支持民主黨的自由派人士進行的民調,都估計共和黨支持率仍落後民主黨百分之11至14點。反之,共和黨的支持者多中下等人士。數星期前,又被有緣人問及美國大選的事情,當時美國的民意調查指出,共和黨仍落後十點左右。(截至10月16日根據英國衛報美國總統大選民意調查數據顯示,拜登支持率達51.9% / 特朗普支持率41.3%,雙方差距10.6個百份比) 我的回覆是『仍未見到民主黨會勝出』,這位有緣人立刻在澳州的賭博公司買川普勝出,倍率是1:3倍,數日前(10月12日)已跌至1:2.6倍,賭博經紀們,仍看淡川普㑹勝出。」


楊家驊不但預言特朗普會連任成功,甚至收到上天訊息,得知其美國總統選舉人票得票是多少? 楊家驊早在十月三日左右,在他WHATSAPP有緣人群組中,發表預見美國大選的數字是326/214,即特朗普獲326張,而拜登獲214張,然而,實際上美國總統大選選舉人票總數為538張,獲270票過半數即當選。楊家驊預言326/214,合共540張,比實際多出2張票,故最後刪掉民主黨2票得票,修定為326/212。

